Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family in Brazil

We almost had the chance to go to Brazil for Christmas. It didn't work out due to flights. I wish it could have worked out. It has been a year and a half since I have seen Danielle, Clinton, Cj, Bianca, and Pai Ze. Even longer since I have seen Maria. Same for Adriana, Ricardo, and Murilo. And I have never met their new baby Diogo. Gabe gets to see them ever so often when he travels there for work. I miss them alot and hope we can make a trip up soon. It's long over due.

Love you guys!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas with Mom

We spent Christmas day with my mom. We ate lunch at my brothers house (the doll house). He even broke his own rules and let my dogs inside. He was easy to break. We had fun, opened presents, ate good food, and the dogs got to run around in the field and get muddy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas with Dad

We spent Christmas Eve with my Dad. I had alot of fun playing with Chance. He is getting so big. We also went to our family party with eveyone from my dads side. I loved seeing everyone. We visited, played Jenga, and my fav game Apples to Apples. By the way I won. :) Lost at Jenga though.

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Furniture

We bought new furniture from RC Willey finally. We have had an empty space by the fire place since we moved in October of 2009. I love it. It works great with the big room. And I love love the vases to match.
What do you think?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Decorating

We decorating for Christmas Thankgiving weekend. It's always fun to put up the decorations. We didn't do our outside decorations this year, because it was way to cold... for vegas. :)

We are missing the star in the pic. We had to go buy a new one.
I love the Tree with the fire place.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

For Thanksgiving, we had no plans. All the fam had different things going on, so we ended up going to Texas De Brazil. It was so yummy, but we ate way to much. We had alot of fun, but missed being we all the family.
On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we went to the caves by Blue Diamond and Fort Apache. If you haven't been there you should go. They are pretty cool. We hiked around and let the dogs play. It was a really nice day for a hike.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Scooby's Tumor Update

I just got the call today. Scooby's tumor is Benign. Which means it isn't cancerous. Thank Heaven's. We just have to keep watching that area for more. I guess it is common for short haired darker pigment dogs. I'm so glad he is OK!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Park, Football, Olivia, & Scooby Surgery

On Saturday, I dropped Scooby off at the vet to get a growth removed. We will find out in a couple of days if it is cancerous or not. We are hoping for the best. Olivia was so sad when I took Scooby and left her behind. She cried at the door. Then when I came back with out him she was panicking.

While Scooby was getting carved, we went to the park and Gabe played football with Terrance and others. We took Olivia and played catch. I think she liked the extra attention without Scooby.

It was so sad when I picked up Scooby. He was drugged up and sad. He wouldn't even give me kisses.

He is still getting use to the cone. He runs into everything. And walking up the stairs is a major challenge. Olivia has pulled off the cone and made a lot of teeth marks in it. I don't think she likes Scooby with the cone. It doesn't make Scooby much of a challenge when she beats him up.

Scoobs classic smile. :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Me and Mom were just messing around taking pictures and I made her take a sexy one. She is going to kill me for putting this up. :)

For Halloween we went to Stoney's. It is a Country Bar with line dancing and country swing. It was fun we played darts, bowling, and arcade games.
I didn't get to see Chance for Halloween, but my dad sent a picture. He is a cutie!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New York Labor Day Weekend

On Labor Day weekend I met Gabe in New York. We had so much fun. There was so much to see there and not enough time. We got to see so much.

If you look closely above the screens is the ball that drops on New Years Eve. Empire State Building

This Macy's is huge. It is the size of a whole block. It has 9 floors. We stopped looking around and just kept going up the escaladors. Stop at the floor then got back on the esclaldor to go to the next floor.

This is a 9/11 memorial. It is of floor tiles that have been personalized for people that were lost.

We were going to the Statue of Liberty this day, but to go inside the statue you had to be there at 730am. So we went back another day.

My first Subway ride. Very Clausto. But cleaner than I expected.


Ahh!!! fresh air!

Wall Street

Mimicking the statue. Very Nice :)

There was a big crowd to take a pic of the bulls head so I took one with the bulls ass! Ha!

Boat museums

Brooklyn in the background

One day I will buy him a boat. He likes to pretend.

Brooklyn Bridge

See more pretending.

Grand Central Station

After this long day of touring New York are feet were hurting and we were super tired. When we walked into the hotel one of Gabe's Clients gave us tickets to go to a concert for a Brazilian star Ivete Sangalo. We had 30 minutes to change and head over to the concert. We had crew tickets so we had a good view of the show but no chairs to sit in. So we stood the whole time and danced. It was alot of fun but I was excited when it was over so I could go sit in the cab. :)

Sunday of Labor Day was Brazillian Day at Times Square. We didn't stick around to long because there were so many people and it was clasto. We got Pasteis and got out of there. :)

Central Park
Central Park was really pretty. We did alot of walking and looking around. Central park is huge! You can get lost in that place.

I love this pic of Gabe and the Bridge

The first Post Office in America

On out last day of vacation, we headed to the Subway early in the morning to make it to the Statue of Liberty and get tickets to go inside. On our way we saw Good Morning America filming.

A depressing Statue

Life Size face of the Statue of Liberty

We were not able to go all the way up to the Crown. But here is the view on your way up.

Yes, I'm wearing an I Heart New York Shirt

Ferry ride to Ellis Island

Ellis Island

The Museum was really cool lots of different rooms with so much to look at. By the time we got there though we were beat. There are only a couple of pics.