Saturday, November 6, 2010

Park, Football, Olivia, & Scooby Surgery

On Saturday, I dropped Scooby off at the vet to get a growth removed. We will find out in a couple of days if it is cancerous or not. We are hoping for the best. Olivia was so sad when I took Scooby and left her behind. She cried at the door. Then when I came back with out him she was panicking.

While Scooby was getting carved, we went to the park and Gabe played football with Terrance and others. We took Olivia and played catch. I think she liked the extra attention without Scooby.

It was so sad when I picked up Scooby. He was drugged up and sad. He wouldn't even give me kisses.

He is still getting use to the cone. He runs into everything. And walking up the stairs is a major challenge. Olivia has pulled off the cone and made a lot of teeth marks in it. I don't think she likes Scooby with the cone. It doesn't make Scooby much of a challenge when she beats him up.

Scoobs classic smile. :)


Miller Family said...

He looked so sad on some of the pictures, poor guy! So where was it that they took the tumor out, what leg, we couldn't see anything!?
Give him some hugs and kisses for us!

Miller Family said...

We really liked Olivia's pic. she has a huge tongue!

Jenna Rodrigues said...

The tumor was on his wee wee. :) I would have put a pic up but I figured I would get in trouble for pet porn. Just got the call today, his tumor was Benine Melanoma which means it's not cancerous. We just have to keep watching that area for more.